Review// They Both Die at The End by Adam Silvera


Author: Adam Silvera
Series: Standalone
Genre: Young Adult
Release Date: 2017
Book Length: 368 pages 
Publisher: HarperTeen
Review: 2.5/5

Goodreads Synopsis:

Adam Silvera reminds us that there’s no life without death and no love without loss in this devastating yet uplifting story about two people whose lives change over the course of one unforgettable day.

On September 5, a little after midnight, Death-Cast calls Mateo Torrez and Rufus Emeterio to give them some bad news: They’re going to die today.

Mateo and Rufus are total strangers, but, for different reasons, they’re both looking to make a new friend on their End Day. The good news: There’s an app for that. It’s called the Last Friend, and through it, Rufus and Mateo are about to meet up for one last great adventure—to live a lifetime in a single day.

My Review:

I’m kind of sad right now, and no it’s not because They Both Die at The End, but because this did not live up to the hype for me.

As someone who is a sucker for quotes, I can say that this book has a couple good ones:

“…no one should feel bad for trying to be good.” 

“There has to be more to life than imagining a future for yourself. I can’t just wish for the future; I have to take risks to create it.” 

However, a book needs a little more than a few inspirational quotes sprinkled in there every 20 chapters to keep me intrigued. Of course I felt awful for Mateo and Rufus–they were called by Death Cast, a company that contacts people when they have 24 hours or less left to live so that they can experience their last day however they choose. I don’t think I would ever want to know that kind of information; it’s such a heavy weight to carry around for even just a day. I did have empathy for them, but I was trying so hard to forge an actual connection with either and I just couldn’t.

Something that I did enjoy despite not feeling a major connection to either of them was how both Mateo and Rufus gained personal growth from spending the day with each other: Mateo being able to get out of his shell more and Rufus learning to trust someone and have his heart soften. However, sometimes it felt like Rufus was Mateo’s cheerleader through everything to the point where he didn’t really get to live the day for himself. I can kind of understand it because Rufus wasn’t able to spend time with his own friends given their circumstances, but I felt it was a bit less two-sided than I would have liked.

In a way, I wish we could have known more details about Death Cast and the whole behind the scenes processes that go into it, but at the same time I think Adam Silvera left that out for a reason. Although it would have been cool, we were meant to enjoy these two teens living their last day to the fullest and take away the inspirational message that came from their story, and including the background story of Death Cast would have probably taken away from that.

I am actually really torn about my opinion of this, especially after going to my book club meeting and hearing other people’s views who had more positive opinions than I did. I would still recommend this to people because it does make you think and I still believe the idea behind the plot is so interesting. Just because it didn’t quite live up to my expectations, doesn’t mean the same will happen for you.

If anyone else has read this, I would love to hear your opinions on whether you enjoyed it or not and why! Let me know.



17 thoughts on “Review// They Both Die at The End by Adam Silvera

  1. I’ve got this on my TBR list and I’ve been skirting around it for a while. Your review has renewed my curiosity though – I might give it a go and let you know what I think. I am often the dissenting voice when it comes to popular books…! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Before I had read this, it was the oldest book on my TBR so I was super excited to finally get to it! Me too, I’m always so skeptical when I start a hyped book because I am usually the outlier. It honestly wasn’t awful, but maybe I was expecting something different. I would love to hear what you think when you get to it! 🙂

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  2. It’s so interesting to read your perspective! I’ve been toying with reading this book for a while now, but I was worried about the hype. I still might read it – like you said, we all experience books in different ways – but I was wondering if you’ve read any other Adam Silvera books and if so which was your favourite. I’ve heard so many great things about his books but I just don’t know where to start!

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    • Thanks, Olivia! I had been toying with the idea of reading this for over a year, and when I finally started I was really excited. Before this, the only Adam Silvera book I had read was History Is All You Left Me, which I gave 4/5 to, I really enjoyed that one and would highly recommend it! Definitely do still give this one a chance if you’re curious though because Adam Silvera is a great writer and, as you probably know, a lot of other people loved it, but if you’re still on the fence I can 100% vouch for how great History Is All You Left Me is as a place to start! 🙂

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  3. I absolutely agree! I’d never want to know when and how I die! Besides, I wonder how Death Cast know who’s going to die and when but like you said the background story was left out for a reason which I think only those who have read the book would know?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Knowing you are going to die no matter what you do within the next 24 hours sounds very traumatizing! I wanted to know how Death Cast knew everything, I think it would make such a good plot for another book if it went more into the details of that. I think the reason he didn’t include it was because it would have taken away from the journey of the main characters and the message of living your life to the fullest. If we found out all about Death Cast, it probably would have overpowered and instead of being Young Adult, it would have turned into more of a Sci-Fi. However, even though I can appreciate his decision not to include it, I still reallllly want to know more details!


    • Thank you, Victoria! 🙂 I enjoyed History Is All You Left Me which was part of the reason I wanted to get to this one, but there was something that felt flat to me about it in the end. The fact that I have mixed feelings about his books makes me wary to pick up another, especially so soon, I think it’s just hit or miss. I wanted to feel more but all I felt was ‘meh’!

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  4. This is the weirdest thing; I’ve seen this book around plenty of times and it’s even on my tbr, but somehow I’ve never actually read the blurb of this book before?? it’s completely unfamiliar? I thought this book was about something completely different 😁 haha, but this concept sounds even better than what I thought the book was about so yay me.

    Sorry They Both Die At The End wasn’t what you expected. Hope your next read is much more engaging ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL no way!! The hype probably got to you subconsciously seeing it everywhere; the cover is really nice too. The concept sounds amazing, and a lot of people did like it a lot more than I did so I think you have a good chance of liking it as well 😊

      And thank you so much!! ❤️ Even though it wasn’t what I expected it was great because it stimulated a lot of conversation in my book club/ on here which I love. I hope you like it if you read it!

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  5. Wonderful review, love! ❤ I read this book late last year and I enjoyed it overall, especially because I liked seeing how random people can affect each other’s lives in such significant ways. I do agree though that I wasn’t as big of a fan as everyone else. That being said, I still want to give his other books a chance!

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